Creating A Gallery Wall

020 Meridian condo Julie Assenberg March 2016.JPG

Gallery walls are a foolproof way to add personality to an apartment or home. A good gallery wall can instantly take a space from dull to dynamic!!

There are many different methods for arranging a gallery wall. I find it easiest to lay it out on the floor before transferring it to the wall. Cutting out cardboard squares and rectangles in the sizes or your art and taping them up on the wall is a waste of time. Plus, it doesn’t give you the full sense of what it will look like in the end.

Start by measuring the space you want to cover on the wall. Once you have these dimensions, clear a space on the floor and use painters tape to mark the outside corners. (I like to lay down a white sheet first to avoid any “mental clutter” and to protect wood floors.)

Next, lay out the pieces in your collection on the floor and move them around until it feels right and you like the way it looks. This can go quickly but don’t get frustrated if it takes awhile. Sometimes it helps to take a break, walk away for a bit and come back to take a fresh look. Keep in mind that it’s best to put more dynamic pieces on the 4 corners. Doing this makes the grouping appear more balanced and “grounded”. The best arrangements include a mix of horizontal and vertical pieces as well as a variety of sizes. Some people prefer to use frames that match or follow a theme. However, I like the eclectic look of combining frames in all colors and profiles. I suggest choosing frames that compliment the piece not the place. Don’t worry about where it will hang. Art does NOT need to match your decor!

Very Important: When you like the arrangement you have laid out, take a picture.

You can refer back to your photo if you get stuck. Begin by marking the corners on the wall with a pencil or piece of chalk. Then, begin by hanging the outer pieces first and work your way to the center. I use two nails on each piece so they don’t wiggle. Otherwise, it drives me nuts and I am constantly straightening them.